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EMC design of single chip microcomputer system
Release time: 2018-02-14Views: 768


As the single-chip microcomputer system is more and more widely used in consumer electronics, medical treatment, industrial automation, intelligent instrumentation, aerospace and other fields, the single-chip microcomputer system is facing an increasingly serious threat of electromagnetic interference (EMI). Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) includes the emission and sensitivity of the system. If a single-chip microcomputer system meets the following three conditions, the system is EMC:

① No interference to other systems;

② Insensitive to the emission of other systems;

③ There is no interference to the system itself.

If interference cannot be completely eliminated, it should also be minimized. The generation of interference is either direct (through conductor, common impedance coupling, etc.) or indirect (through crosstalk or radiation coupling). Electromagnetic interference is generated through conductors and radiation. Many electromagnetic emission sources, such as lighting, relays, DC motors and fluorescent lamps, can cause interference; AC power lines, interconnection cables, metal cables and internal circuits of subsystems may also generate radiation or receive unwanted signals. In high-speed single-chip microcomputer systems, clock circuits are usually the largest source of broadband noise. These circuits can produce harmonic distortion as high as 300 MHz, which should be removed from the system. In addition, the reset line, interrupt line and control line are the most easily affected in the single chip microcomputer system.

1. Coupling mode of interference

(1) Conductive EMI

One of the most obvious and often overlooked paths that can cause noise in a circuit is through a conductor. A wire passing through a noisy environment can pick up the noise and send it to other circuits to cause interference. The designer must avoid the noise of wire picking up and remove the noise by decoupling before the noise causes interference. The most common example is noise entering the circuit through the power line. If the power supply itself or other circuits connected to the power supply are interference sources, they must be decoupled before the power line enters the circuit.

(2) Common impedance coupling

Common impedance coupling occurs when current from two different circuits flows through a common impedance. The voltage drop on the impedance is determined by two circuits, and the ground current from the two circuits flows through the common ground impedance. The ground potential of circuit 1 is modulated by ground current 2, and the noise signal or DC compensation is coupled from circuit 2 to circuit 1 through common ground impedance.

(3) Radiative coupling

Radiated coupling is commonly known as crosstalk. Crosstalk occurs when a current flows through a conductor, generating an electromagnetic field that induces transient currents in adjacent conductors.

(4) Radiation emission

There are two basic types of radiative emission: differential mode (DM) and common mode (CM). Common mode radiation or monopole antenna radiation is caused by unintentional voltage drop, which raises all connections in the circuit above the system ground potential. In terms of the size of the electric field, CM radiation is a more serious problem than DM radiation. In order to minimize cm radiation, a practical design must be used to reduce the common mode current to zero.

2 factors affecting EMC

① Voltage. The higher the power supply voltage, the greater the voltage amplitude, the more emissions, and the lower the power supply voltage affects the sensitivity.

② Frequency. High frequencies produce more emissions, and periodic signals produce more emissions. In the high-frequency single-chip microcomputer system, when the device is switched, the current peak signal is generated; In the analog system, the current spike signal is generated when the load current changes.

③ Grounding. Among all EMC problems, the main problem is caused by improper grounding. There are three signal grounding methods: single point, multipoint and hybrid. When the frequency is lower than 1 MHz, the single point grounding method can be adopted, but it is not suitable for high frequency; In high-frequency applications, it is best to use multi-point grounding. Hybrid grounding is a method of single point grounding for low frequency and multi-point grounding for high frequency. The ground wire layout is the key. The ground circuit of high-frequency digital circuit and low-level analog circuit must not be mixed.

④ PCB design. Proper printed circuit board (PCB) wiring is essential to prevent EMI.

⑤ Power decoupling. When the device is switched, transient current will be generated on the power line, which must be attenuated and filtered out. The transient current from the high di/dt source leads to the “emission” voltage of the ground and trace. The high di/dt generates a wide range of high-frequency current, which excites the radiation of components and cables. The change of current and inductance flowing through the wire will lead to voltage drop, which can be minimized by reducing the change of inductance or current with time.

3. EMC design of printed circuit board (PCB)

PCB is the support of circuit components and devices in single chip microcomputer system. It provides the electrical connection between circuit components and devices. With the rapid development of electronic technology, the density of PCB is getting higher and higher. The quality of PCB design has a great impact on the electromagnetic compatibility of single chip microcomputer system. Practice has proved that even if the circuit schematic design is correct and the printed circuit board design is improper, it will also have an adverse impact on the reliability of single chip microcomputer system. For example, if the two thin parallel lines of the printed board are close together, the delay of the signal waveform will be formed, and the reflected noise will be formed at the end of the transmission line. Therefore, when designing PCB, we should pay attention to the correct method, abide by the general principles of PCB design, and meet the requirements of anti-interference design.

3.1 general principles of PCB design

In order to obtain the best performance of electronic circuits, the layout of components and wires is very important. In order to design PCB with good quality and low cost, the following general principles should be followed.

(1) Layout of special components

First of all, we should consider the size of PCB: when the size of PCB is too large, the printing line is long, the impedance increases, the anti noise ability decreases, and the cost also increases; If it is too small, the heat dissipation is poor, and the adjacent lines are easy to be disturbed. After determining the size of PCB, determine the position of special components. Finally, according to the functional units of the circuit, all components of the circuit are laid out.

The following principles shall be observed when determining the position of special components:

① Try to shorten the wiring between high-frequency components and try to reduce their distribution parameters and mutual electromagnetic interference. Components that are susceptible to interference should not be too close to each other, and input and output components should be as far away as possible.

② There may be a high potential difference between some components or wires, so the distance between them should be increased to avoid accidental short circuit caused by discharge. Components with high voltage should be arranged in places that are not easy to touch during commissioning.

③ Components weighing more than 15 g should be fixed with brackets and then welded. Those large, heavy and heat generating components should not be installed on the printed board, but on the chassis bottom plate of the whole machine, and heat dissipation should be considered. The thermal element should be far away from the heating element.

④ For the layout of potentiometers, adjustable inductance coils, variable capacitors, microswitches and other adjustable components, the structural requirements of the whole machine should be considered. If it is adjusted in the machine, it should be placed on the printing board where it is convenient to adjust; If it is adjusted outside the machine, its position should be consistent with the position of the adjustment knob on the chassis panel.

⑤ Reserve the position occupied by the positioning hole of the printed board and the fixed support.

(2) General component layout

According to the functional units of the circuit, the layout of all components of the circuit shall comply with the following principles:

① Arrange the position of each functional circuit unit according to the circuit flow, so that the layout is convenient for signal flow, and keep the signal in the same direction as much as possible.

② Take the core components of each functional circuit as the center and layout around it. Components and parts shall be evenly, neatly and compactly arranged on the PCB to minimize and shorten the leads and connections between components and parts.

③ For the circuit working at high frequency, the distribution parameters between components should be considered. In general, the components and parts should be arranged in parallel as far as possible, which is not only beautiful, but also easy to assemble and weld, and easy to mass produce.

④ Components and parts located at the edge of the circuit board are generally not less than 2 mm away from the edge of the circuit board. The best shape of the circuit board is rectangle. The aspect ratio is 3:2 or 4:3. The size of circuit board is greater than 200 mm × At 150 mm, the mechanical strength of the circuit board should be considered.

(3) Wiring

The principles of wiring are as follows:

① The conductors used at the input and output terminals should be avoided to be adjacent and parallel as much as possible, and it is best to add ground wires between lines to avoid feedback coupling.

② The minimum width of the printed board wire is mainly determined by the adhesion strength between the wire and the insulating substrate and the current flowing through them. When the thickness of copper foil is 0.5 mm and the width is 1 ~ 15 mm, the temperature rise will not be higher than 3 ℃ through the current of 2 A. Therefore, the wire width of 1.5 mm can meet the requirements. For integrated circuits, especially digital circuits, the wire width of 0.02 ~ 0.3 mm is usually selected. Of course, as long as it is allowed, use as wide a line as possible, especially the power line and ground wire. The minimum spacing of wires is mainly determined by the insulation resistance and breakdown voltage between wires in the worst case. For integrated circuits, especially digital circuits, as long as the technology allows, the spacing can be less than 0.1 ~ 0.2 mm.

③ The bend of printed wire is generally circular arc, and the right angle or included angle will affect the electrical performance in high-frequency circuit. In addition, try to avoid using large-area copper foil, otherwise, copper foil expansion and falling off will easily occur when heated for a long time. When a large area of copper foil must be used, it is best to use a grid shape, which is conducive to eliminating the volatile gas generated by the heating of the adhesive between the copper foil and the substrate.

(4) Pad

The central hole of the pad is slightly larger than the diameter of the device lead. If the pad is too large, it is easy to form false soldering. The outer diameter D of the pad is generally not less than (d 1.2) mm, where D is the diameter of the lead. For high-density digital circuits, the minimum diameter of the pad can be (d 1.0) mm.

3.2 anti interference measures for PCB and circuit

The anti-interference design of printed circuit board is closely related to the specific circuit. Here are just some common measures of PCB anti-interference design.

(1) Power cord design

According to the current of the printed circuit board, try to thicken the width of the power line and reduce the loop resistance; At the same time, make the direction of power line and ground line consistent with the direction of data transmission, which helps to enhance the anti noise ability.

(2) Ground wire design

In the design of single chip microcomputer system, grounding is an important method to control interference. Most interference problems can be solved if grounding and shielding can be correctly combined. The ground wire structure of single chip microcomputer system roughly includes system ground, shell ground (shielding ground), digital ground (logic ground) and analog ground. The following points should be paid attention to in the design of ground wire:

① Correctly select single point grounding and multi-point grounding. In the low-frequency circuit, the working frequency of the signal is less than 1 MHz, its wiring and the inductance between devices have little influence, while the circulating current formed by the grounding circuit has a great influence on the interference, so one point grounding should be adopted. When the signal working frequency is greater than 10 MHz, the ground wire impedance becomes large. At this time, the ground wire impedance should be reduced as much as possible, and the nearest multi-point grounding should be adopted. When the working frequency is 1 ~ 10MHz, if one point grounding is adopted, the length of the ground wire should not exceed 1/20 of the wavelength, otherwise the multi-point grounding method should be adopted.

② Digital and analog are separated. There are both high-speed logic circuits and linear circuits on the circuit board, so they should be separated as far as possible, and the ground wires of the two should not be mixed, and they should be connected with the ground wires of the power end respectively. The grounding of low-frequency circuit should adopt single point parallel grounding as far as possible. When the actual wiring is difficult, it can be partially connected in series and then connected in parallel; High frequency circuit should adopt multi-point series grounding, and the ground wire should be short and thick. Try to use a large area of grid foil around the high-frequency components, and try to increase the grounding area of the linear circuit.

③ The grounding wire should be thickened as much as possible. If the grounding wire uses a very thin line, the grounding potential will change with the change of current, causing the timing signal level of electronic products to be unstable and the anti noise performance to be reduced. Therefore, the grounding wire should be thickened as much as possible so that it can pass three times the allowable current of the printed circuit board. If possible, the width of the grounding wire should be greater than 3 mm.

④ The grounding wire forms a closed loop. When designing the ground wire system of printed circuit board composed of only digital circuits, making the ground wire into a closed circuit can significantly improve the anti noise ability. The reason is that there are many integrated circuit components on the printed circuit board, especially when there are components that consume much power, due to the limitation of the thickness of the grounding wire, a large potential difference will be generated on the grounding wire, resulting in the decline of anti noise ability; If the ground wire forms a loop, the potential difference will be reduced and the anti noise ability of electronic equipment will be improved.

(3) Decoupling capacitor configuration

One of the conventional methods of PCB design is to configure appropriate decoupling capacitors in each key part of the printed board. The general configuration principle of decoupling capacitor is:

① The power input terminal is jumper 10 ~ 100 μ F electrolytic capacitor. If possible, connect 100 μ Above f is better.

② In principle, each integrated circuit chip should be equipped with a 0.01 pf ceramic chip capacitor. In case of insufficient gap in the printed board, a 1 ~ 10 pf tantalum capacitor can be arranged for every 4 ~ 8 chips.

③ For devices with weak noise resistance and large power change when turning off, such as RAM and ROM storage devices, decoupling capacitors should be directly connected between the power line and ground wire of the chip.

④ The capacitor lead should not be too long, especially the high-frequency bypass capacitor should not have a lead.

In addition, the following two points should be noted:

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亚洲一级av高清电影网站| 日韩精品视频在线亚洲精品中文字幕区| 亚洲AV无码精品天堂天天| 亚洲ve中文字幕久久一区二区| 人妻少妇av无码一区二区| 亚洲高清一区二区三区不卡| 无码三级在线观看精品| 欧美综合自拍亚洲图久青草| 91大神精品一区二区在线| 朋友新婚人妻无套| 国产凹凸在线观看一区二区| 中文日韩欧美字幕一区二区| 欧美日韩亚洲中文字幕一区二区三区| 国产亚洲日韩gif动图图| 国产美女久久精品香蕉欧美| 亚洲AV禁18无码一级在线观看| 久久狠狠婷婷丁香香蕉| 免费人妻av无码专区| 欧美一区二区在线亚洲国产| 91精品在线免费观看| 亚洲综合天堂国产精品久久久收费| 久久综合亚洲鲁鲁五月天欧| 99精品一区二区免费视频| 久久精品99国产国产精麻豆| 国产精品成人一区无码| 一区二区三区亚洲午夜福利| 日韩在线精品成人AV| 国内精品中文字幕一区二区| 国产午夜亚洲精品国产| 欧美大荫蒂毛茸茸视频| 亚洲Aⅴ无码专区在线观看| 久久精品天然东京热| 91熟女一区二区三区蜜桃| 久久精品一品道久久精品97| 日韩国产欧美成人一区二区影院| 五月婷婷六月丁香综合| 欧美日韩一区二区中文字幕视频| 囯产精品久久久久久久久久免费| 午夜精品国产成人福利免费看| 国产系列欧美系列日韩系列在线| 麻豆国产精品va在线观看不卡| 超碰五月天精品久久婷婷| 国产午夜无码精品免费看片| 精品无码av人在线观看| 免费看国产曰批40分钟| 国产午夜精品一区二区三区漫画| 久久精品一区二区三区中文字幕| 国产成人久久综合第一区| 最新国产无码在线视频| 日韩一区二区aⅴ无码大片无码| 亚洲精品高清国产一线久久97| 久久免费国产视频精品| 日韩男人的天堂国产污片| 色五月婷婷一区二区三区| 亚洲曰韩中文字幕乱码在线看| 久久人妻AV无码中文专区| 国美女福利视频午夜精品| 欧美日韩精品一区二区三区久久| 欧美自拍日韩主播在线播放| 国产精品动漫在线激情| 四虎国产精品高清在线观看| 日韩人妻少妇一区二区| 日韩精品无码专区视频超清| 亚洲成a人片在线播放观看国产| 亚洲成在人线中文字幕| 丰满97人妻无吗视频| 999在线视频精品免费播放观看| 狠狠躁夜夜躁下载av网站| 久久精品国内Av熟女高清| 午夜三级在线视频国语版| 91香蕉在线精品一区在线观看| 亚洲男人在线无码视频| 综合亚洲色hezyo国产| 一本一道av无码中文字幕| 国偷盗摄自产福利一区在线| 精品免费国产一区二区女| 国产精品中文字幕一区二区三区| 中文字幕在线中文一区二区三区| 亚洲AV综合色区手机无码一区| 国产免费一级a在线观看| 亚洲国产TV在线观看| 国产在线无码视频一区二区三区| 91精品国产高清久久久久| 成人国产99视频精品免视看6| 国产精品久久久久久不卡麻豆| 中文字幕在线视频不卡| 久久综合久久自在自线精品| 日韩精品久久久免费观看蜜芽| 久热精品视频在线播放| 欧美一级片内射视频播放下载| 欧美一区二区三区在线观看免费| 无码人妻av中文字幕久久| 亚洲精品无码AV电影在线播放| 无码日韩免费视频一区二区二区| 免费毛片天天人人观看| 永久免费观看黄网动漫视频| 成人日韩无码动漫秘一区二区| 欧美国产日韩一区二区不卡免费| 亚洲第一页日韩专区| 亚洲区一区二久久区精品| 欧美极品在线观看不卡| 亚洲a网91啦丨国产丨| 亚洲欧美一级在线观看| 午夜精品无码野外综合在线| 国产精品夜色一区二区三区| 日本免费无遮挡吸乳视频中文字幕| 亚州一二三区乱码在线视频麻姨| 免费黄片淫片久久播放| 亚洲精品无码A v中文字幕电影| 国产Aⅴ无码一区二区三区网站| 97碰视频人人视频香蕉| 日本高清无卡码一区二区久久| 国产欧美日韩综合精品一区二区| 国产精品资源在线观看网站| 99久久无码精品亚洲日韩| 日韩AV免费无码久久| 中文字幕无码视频手机免费看| 香蕉久久ab一区二区三区| 五十老熟女嗷嗷叫潮喷| 亚洲欧美一区在线| 国产亚洲**片在线| 天堂网WWW资源在线| 少妇人妻无码专用视频1| 国产欧美一区二区精品性色超碰| 91偷拍与自偷拍精品| 国产大屁股一区二区在线视频| 亚洲无码一级电影| 亚洲国产中文91在线无码| 中文字幕日韩专区精品系列| 成人午夜视频第一精品区| 亚洲欧美日韩在线观看| 午夜看一级特黄A大片| 国产成人无码精品久久久免费| 久久人人97超碰国产公开| 无码人妻aⅴ一区二区三| 欧美一区二区成人精品视频| 一区二区三区黄片在线免费观看| 国产精品国产中文专区| 少妇人妻偷人精品无码视频| 欧美激情视频在线观看一区二区三区| 亚洲欧美中文日韩欧美| 2021天天插天天干天天爱| 欧美成人精品三级在线观看| 国产成人精品视频播放| 国产精品国产三级国产专播| 久久精品无码中文字幕| 国产精品久久久九九Av免费看| BB久久精品99久久香蕉国产| 丰满少妇被猛男猛烈进入久久| 国产成人精品一区二区| 手机看日韩毛片福利盒子| 国产欧美日韩视频免费61794| 欧美在线精品一区二区三区| 久久噜噜噜久久熟女精品| 国产精品主播一区二区| 久久99久久精品久久综合| 精品一区二区三区av天堂色欲| 一本二本人妻高清无码| 亚洲熟妇无码久久精品疯| 无码粉嫩虎白一线天在线观看| 亚洲欧美激情综合第一区| 国产凹凸在线一区二区| 天天操天天射天天吃天天干| 成人女人色网站免费观看| 久久99精品国产99久久6男男| 亚洲va中文字幕无码久| 欧美国产一区二区三区激情无套| 91青草久久久久久清纯| 亚洲精品熟女国产老熟女| 久久久人妻无码中文字幕| 影音先锋无码资源观看| 久久免费看少妇高潮V片特黄| 亚洲五月天激情在线观看| 久久精品国产电影一区二区三区| 不卡亚洲美女视频在线| 日本二区免费一片黄2024| 精品国产成人Av在线免| 酒店操美女国产精品久久久久| 亚洲aⅴ男人的天堂在线观看| 69式真人无码视频免费| 久久66热这里只有精品| 人妻少妇精品视频专区网址| 亚洲AV成人片色在线观看高潮| 欧美成人丝袜一区二区| 不卡无在线一区二区三区观| 国产毛片网站视频在观| 欧美人妻激情制服丝袜| 国产日韩无码精品一区二区三区| 久久精品a国产亚洲v高清不卡| 女人爽到高潮潮久久久| 日本欧美中文字幕人在线| 亚洲成色www久久网站欧美| 福利进入入口成人在线免费| 99热这里全都是精品国产| 精品综合久久久久久88| 欧美日韩国产欧美日韩日本国产| 最新国产成人精品免费视频大全| 久久国产精品亚洲一区二区| 91麻豆精品国产91久久久久久| 国产午夜福利在线观看视频| 欧美日韩国产一区二区三区伦| 在线视频免费无码专区| 国产色视频一区二区三区不卡| 在线看人与动人物A级毛片人5| 亚洲欧美一区二区三区综合| 秋霞av无码观看一区二区三区| 欧美极品视频一区二区三区| 欧美成人一区二区三区片免费| 91精品国产自产在线观看永久| 亚洲成a v人片在线观看| 在线免费不卡一区二区三区| 日本一区二区三区免费午夜视频| 久久久久国色AV免费观看性色| 色v久久婷婷综合一区二区| 无码国产精品视频一区二区| 亚洲国产精品女人| 99re只有精品8中文| 久久青草精品免费资源站| 伊人色综合久久天天小片| 久久亚洲一级av一片| 亚洲成在人线av中文字幕喷水| 欧美大荫蒂毛茸茸视频| 中文字幕日产无码一区久久久久久| 国产激情无码毛片久久| 亚洲精品国产一区二区三区四区| 亚洲婷婷一区二区三区久久播AV| 麻豆日韩国产精品欧美在线| 亚洲国产字幕中文在线一区| 欧美高清免费精品国产自| 野花高清中文免费观看视频| 国产精品vs欧美精品| 亚洲自偷精品第一中文字幕| 一本色道久久88综合日韩精品| 91欧美精品激情在线观看最新| 亚洲av无码精品色午夜久久| 亚洲AV乱码一区二区三区女同| 综合aV不卡在线看| 亚洲VA无码VA在线VA天堂| 亚洲欧美日韩电影亚洲一区在线播放| 国产欧美日韩精品一区| 在线无码精品秘 在线观看| 丰满人妻麻豆理伦无码一区| 国一区二区三区无码视频| 欧美成人一区二区三区在线视频| 97久久超碰国产精品最新| 91精品国产美女在线观看| 亚洲午夜电影在线观看| 久久久久久亚洲精品不卡性色av| 国产精品极品在线观看| 中文字幕一区二区三区乱码人妻| 亚洲欧洲日产v特级毛片| 免费看国产曰批40分钟| 久久久精品久久久久三级| 亚洲中文字幕av每天更新| 欧美黑人XXXⅩ高潮交| 9无码国产精品高清免费| 亚洲特黄刺激大片久久亚洲香蕉| 国产一区二区三区精品网站免费| 国产精品日韩精品专区一二| 精品国产原创超清无码网站| 在线观看国产不卡秒播AV| 在线视频福利一区二区三区| 国产普通话对白视频二区| 日韩少妇人妻vs中文字幕| 亚洲欧洲国产综合另类国码| 亚洲成人在线网站| 精品国产一区二区三区观看不卡| 久久精品一区二区无码| 最新国产精品国产三级大全| 国产在线尤物不卡ab网站| 91华人在线视频| 未满十八18禁污污免费| 99偷拍视频精品一区二区| 国产成人亚洲精品无码青青草原| 污污网站国产精品白丝袜| 亚洲国产精品灌醉女同事| 成人免费毛片AAAAAA片| 中国猛少妇色XXXXX| 亚洲精品国产成人99久久6| 久久精品国产亚洲沈樵| 日韩国产精品欧美尤物一区二区| 精品久久久久久久久久| 国产不卡福利片在线观看浪潮| 欧美一级一区二区在线观看| 成年无码av片在线vr| 91香蕉成人免费网站| 色翁荡息又大又硬又粗又爽| 亚洲国产二区三区久久高清| 国产情侣大量精品视频| 久久99国产综合精品不卡| 久久久不卡精品国产免费观看| 亚洲福利在线播放| 为您推荐在线观看国产网址你懂的| 久久久精品成人男人的天堂av| 国产精品视频二区第二页| 免费观看精品一区二区三区视频| 久久国产福利精品不卡高清| 亚洲国产精品1区在线电影| 国产精品久久久久无码av一级片毛片| 欧美日韩亚洲综合一区二区| 免费无码又爽又刺激又污又黄| 在线免费观看成年人视频| 国产成人一区二区不卡免费视频| 996久久国产精品线观看导航| 久久国产热这里只有精品8| 亚洲日韩国内欧洲在线观看| 欧美午夜理伦三级在线观看| 午夜中文字幕无码无删减| 中文字幕在线看视频一区二区三区| 91亚洲狼人中文天堂| 99久久久国产一区二区三区| 国产精品视频久久| 国产精品国产三级囯产AV中文| 国产伦精品一区二区三区| 人人妻人人澡人人爽欧美一| 日韩动漫无码一区二区| 天天摸夜夜摸成人免费视频| 久久99国产综合精品不卡| 亚洲人色大成年网站在线观看| 欧美v国产v日韩v在线| 欧美激情桃花国产精品拍自| 亚洲啪啪一区二区三区| 人妻系列无码专区69影院| 天天天欲色欲色WWW免费| 国产午夜精品福利久久| 亚洲欧美一级夜夜夜夜爽W| 国产在线日韩精品一区二区| 久久香蕉国产线看精品| 亚洲欧美日韩综合精品久久| 2021亚洲精品一卡2卡三卡4卡| 三级午夜理伦三级小视频| 无码精品国产Ⅴa在线观看dⅤd| 日韩36部精品资源视频| 国产日韩精品无码去免费专区国产| 中文字幕日韩视频欧美一区| 国产毛片久久久久久国产毛片| 国产 高潮 白浆 无码| 色多多aV人人爽网站HD| 精品国产综合区久久久久99| 高清欧美亚洲国产下载| 国产日韩欧美亚洲青青草原| 免费乱码人妻系无码专区| 成人日动漫卡一区二区三区动漫| 午夜精品久久久久久久久久| 欧洲精品亚洲精品日韩专区| 色v久久婷婷综合一区二区| 久久精品国产精品亚洲毛片下载| 亚洲国产精品毛片一区| 久久人人人人澡人人澡| 日本激情视频一区二区三区| AⅤ高清无码免费看大片| 中文字幕网玖玖资源站| 亚洲一区二区午夜在线观看| 精品无码一区二区三区无码av| 人妻制服丝袜无码不卡在线| 欧美顶级AⅤ高清视频| 久久视频这里只精品3国产| 色播在线精品一区二区三区| 日韩喷水色视频在线播放| 欧美日韩一区二区三区人妻| 亚洲精品免费永久免费理论| 国产欧美日韩综合视频专区| 亚洲欧美一区二区三区蜜芽| AA视频在线观看不卡| 国产亚洲欧美精品久久精品| 91精品久久久久| 五月丁香婷婷激情在线观看| 国产精品流白浆在线观看| 国产私人尤物无码不卡| 2020AV天堂暖暖视频| 一本大道久久香蕉成人网| 亚洲午夜精品久久久久久人妖| 亚洲色视频在线播放网站| 狠狠久久噜噜localhost| 亚洲成A人片在线观看天堂| 中文字幕日本在线视频二区| 精品少妇无码av无码久久免费| 永久免费观看午夜视频在线| 成年私人影院免费视频网站| 日韩在线2020专区| 久99久视频精品免费观看| 一区二区三区四区高清视频在线播放| 亚洲AV无码专区一区二区三区| 97久久综合精品久久久综合| 芒果一二三区乱码天天看隐藏入口| 亚洲无码精品中文字幕| 亚洲中文久久精品无码mp4| 2021国产精品一卡2卡三卡4卡| 久久精品亚洲中东京热| 国产 精品 最新 高清| 精品制服丝袜一区第一页| 国产午夜福利一区二区在线| 国产伦精品一区二区三区视频金莲| 欧美一级特黄大片做受在线播放| 麻豆91久久久精品国产片| 精品国产综合高清一区二区三区| a级毛片免费完整视频| 538国产精品一区二区在线| 亚洲无码Al一区二区三区| 中日韩成人福利在线观看| 国产高清一区二区不卡视频| 精品视频国产狼友视频| 中文字幕无码不卡在线| 国产精品香蕉夜间视频免费播放| 亚洲欧美激情综合第一区| 性做久久久久久免费观看欧美| 日韩精品一区二区三区中文不卡| 国产婷婷色一区二区三区在线播放| 欧美日韩午夜视频| 精品一区二区二区无码免费视频| 国产在线精品一区二区高清不卡| 亚洲噜噜Av一区二区三区| 91粗大猛烈进出白浆视频| 精品国产一区二区在线| 永久免费无码日韩视频| 久久精品亚洲中东京热| 国产精品美女一级a毛片久久| 国产精品原创尤物菠萝蜜| 欧美在线日韩综合一区| 亚洲一区在线视频观看| 欧美性爱视频不卡一区三区| 午夜一级韩国欧美日本国产| 国产精品亚洲А∨天堂| 亚洲国产成人久久综合野外| 久久人妻公开中文字幕网| 国产蝌蚪视频一区二区三区| 99re 久久这里只有精品6| 亚洲国产精品无码久久青青草原AV| 国产伦精区二区三区视频| 国产精品日韩欧美在线观看| 国产精品中文字幕一区二区三区| 欧美性猛交xxxx黑人| 久久国产精一区二区三区| 亚洲动漫无码天堂天堂| 日本中文字幕乱码在线精品| 亚洲日韩在线91一区| 国产精品国模在线观看| 亚洲AV永久无码精品放毛片| 亚洲国产99在线精品一区青青| 在线国内精品免费视频| 亚洲欧美日韩国产专区一区| 精品亚洲第一区二区三区在线线| 国产在线不卡人成视频| 国产三级在线视频播放| 国产在线蜜乳一区二区三区| 中文字幕在线有码午夜| 成人亚洲国产综合精品91| 搜日本一区二区三区免费高清视频| 97色精品久久久久| 99R在线精品视频在线播放| 欧美一级暧暧视频在线观看| 日韩最新免费视频一区二区| 亚洲不卡中文字幕无码久久| 国产精品97se免费观看| 免费无码视频在哪里看| 亚洲综合无码一区二区三区| 国产日韩欧美综合一区| 中文字幕A∨人妻一区二区| 国产精品久久久久影院免费| 婷婷国产偷v国产偷v亚洲| 天堂在线观看视频无码| 久久免费视频国产| 久久无午夜国产成人AV| 一区二区三区黄片在线免费观看| 欧美aaaa在线观看视频免费| 2022国产91精品久久久久久| 国语高潮无遮挡无码免费看| 日韩精品国产亚洲色变态另类| 国产成人1024精品免费| 日韩一区二区视频在线观看| 一级a性色生活片久久无少妇一级婬片免费放| 日韩精品无码一区二区中文字幕| 中文字幕无码中文幕| 国产丝袜被操视频国产在线观看| 亚洲一区中文字幕欧美制服| 日韩熟女一区精品视频| 美国一级aⅤ一区二区在线| 国产在线精品无码不不卡| 欧美成人精品三级网站下载| cniuese熟女老女人HD| 色欲天堂久久综合网蜜臀AV| 国产精品亚洲一区二区三区正片| 欧洲精品乱码久久久久| 2021国产精品自在线观看| 亚洲XXXX做受欧美| 亚洲欧美国产一区二区| 国产一区在线免费观看| 无码少妇一级Av电影| 无码人妻一区二区免费视频| 超碰国产人人做人人爽高清| 亚洲欧美综合图区18P下一页| 日韩精品电影在线观看| 亚洲国产精品ⅴa在线播放| 欧美精品自拍 一区| 亚洲国产成人五月综合网| 免费观看在线观看日韩AV| 欧美乱xXXXX| 免费一区二区无码东京热| 欧美日韩在线视频不卡一区| 亚洲精品NV久久久久久久久久| 最近中文字幕高清字幕AV| 狠狠色婷婷久久综合频道日韩| 国产91无码网站在线观看| 欧美日韩国产综合视频一区二区三区| 人妻少妇中出视频系列无码| 国产精品久久久久久久久久久本色| 日韩av高清在线观看| 国产午夜精品男女一级爽| 无码人妻aⅴ一区二区三| 欧美乱妇高清无乱码在线观看| 久久精品国产亚洲AV麻豆图片| 国产黑色丝袜免费网站| 久久精品福利一区二区潮喷| 亚洲另在线日韩综合色| 99热99这里只有高清国产| 综合aV不卡在线看| 精品综合久久久久久蜜月| 九九国产精品成人免费视频| GOGOGO免费高清在线中国| 一级女性全黄生活片在线播放| 小宝探花国产精品一区二区| 欧美制服丝袜亚洲另类在线| 亚洲一区二区三区视频蜜柚| 免费高清一区二区三区最新| 99国产精品网免费播放| 在线精品国产成人综合| 狠狠躁狠狠爱免费视频无码| 欧美亚洲一区中文字幕在线| 日本午夜福利视频一区二区三区| 亚洲婷婷天堂在线综合| 国产在线麻豆自在拍91精品| 一级a性色生活片久久无少妇一级婬片免费放| 国产乱人伦偷精品视频免观看| 国产三级在线观看播放视频| 免费无遮挡很爽很污很黄的网站| 国产精品一区二区三区高清无码| 国产精品亚洲日韩AV| 中日韩精品电影推荐网站| 国产精品日韩欧美在线播放| 浪潮Aⅴ毛片无码一二三区| 国产成人综合手机在线播放| 精品日韩亚洲一本二本| 在线观看 亚洲 欧美 日本| 欧美精品日韩国产一区原创色| 国产成人综合精品无码| 成年女人免费视频播放大全| 亚洲熟妇无码AV在线播放| 欧美一级AA大片免费看视频| 最新2021年偷拍精品视频| 国产激情视频一区二区三区欧美| 日韩欧美一区二区在线| 亚洲淫女一区二区三区資源免費看| 亚洲性无码一区二区三区| 男人的天堂αv视频在线| 少妇饥渴偷公乱A级无码| 日本高清不卡中文字幕视频| 国产精品一区二区三区2021| 国产精品免费播放久久| 久久精品国产第一区二区三区| 97久久天天综合色天天综合色hd| 美日韩不卡一区二区三区| 国产精品综合色区在线| 99久久精品久久亚洲精品| 亚洲人成综合网站7777香蕉| 国产日韩精品视频一区二区三区| 国产精品美女久久久久AV麻豆| 精品福利在线观看视频| 精品免费看国产一区| 亚洲另类自拍丝袜第1页| 欧美色精品天天在线观看视频| 欧美视频免费一区二区三区| 国产成人综合亚洲亚洲国产第一页| 一区二区三区国产美女在线播放| 日韩欧美亚洲国产高清专区| 国产一区二区在线视频播放| 99视频精品全部在线观看| 久久久久亚洲av无码成人片一级毛片| 久久久久亚洲AV成人片乱码| 欧美精品永久在线观看| 亚洲中文久久精品无码基地| 国产亚洲福利在线午夜| 欧美电影Ⅴa在线观看| 中文字幕日韩激情无码不卡码| 色婷婷久久综合中文网站| 亚洲精品国精品久久99热一| 国产亚洲人成a在线v网站| 国产人成高清在线视频99| 99久久精品国产片久人| 人妻系列无码专区精品视频| 亚洲欧洲日产v特级毛片| 国产福利姬樱井奈奈视频| 欧美鲁丝片一区二区| 狠狠色婷婷久久综合频道日韩| 久久国产精品九九国产精品| 婷婷人人爽人人爽人人片| 精品久久久av无码免费| 日韩一区二区aⅴ无码大片无码| 精品一区二区三区东京热| 一级毛片不收费视频一区| 日韩av一区二区在线电影| 亚洲AV成人片色在线观看| 欧美视频在线观看一区| 日韩a级毛片一区二区三区| 亚洲2019精品无码无在线播放| 国产专区青青草原亚洲| 国产亚洲精aa在线观看| 欧美中文一区二区三区在线观看| 国产成人精品亚洲一区欧美一二三区在线| 99久久亚洲综合精品成人毛片| 国产亚洲精品97在线观看| 国产精品三级av及在线观看| 一级a一片久久无码免费动漫| AV天堂中AV世界中文在线播放| 99视频/这里只精品24热在线| 黄色一级亚洲毛片| 久久毛片少妇髙潮喷水| 久章草综合精品视频毛片| 亚洲精品在线免费观看视频| 国产大屁股一区二区无码免费视频| 国产最爽的乱婬视频a群体| 亚洲日韩VA无码中文字幕| 国产精品人人爽人人做Av片| 欧洲日韩精品在线播放| 手机看片AⅤ永久免费无码| 热久久这里只有国产中文精品| 成视频年人黄网站免费视频| 国产日韩欧美综合视频在线| 美女被躁免费视频网站大全桃色| 毛片一区二区三区女同| 丝袜美腿人妻精品一区二区三区| 具有亚洲有码中文字幕在線視頻| 最新国产成人精品免费视频大全| 青青青在线观看国产大片| 国产精品极品在线拍| 国产精品一区二区 尿失禁| 亚洲国产综合一区妲己影院| 亚洲日韩偷拍另类无码精品| 亚洲男男无套GV大学生| 国产精品久久精品三级老配少| 亚洲精品NV久久久久久久久久| 亚洲人成在久久综合网站| 国产一区二区三区高清精品毛片| 日韩不卡一区二区三区视频在线| 国产成人拍精品视频网| 国产九九免费视频网站| 国产一级特黄无码免费视频| 欧美日韩精品不卡在线播放| 久久精品亚洲一区二区三区无码| 人妻系列AV无码专区按摩| 欧美激情视频精品一区二区| 中国内地毛片免费高清| 国产精品与亚洲Av| 久久精品一区二区三区资源网| 91精品婷婷国产综合久久| 久久精品日本精品视频免费| 国产乱人伦App精品久久| 精品久久久无码中文字幕一丶| 亚洲国产天堂久久麻豆| 日日狠狠久久偷偷色综合免费| 国产日韩欧美综合激情在线视频| 亚洲精品国产一线久久| 91精品久久人人妻人人做人人爱| 国产不卡叉叉一区二区三区| 亚洲一区二区三区综合| 国99视频精品免视6| 午夜精品久久久久久中宇| 欧美一区二区三区视视频| 色一情一乱一伦一区二区三区| 亚洲乱亚洲乱妇41p| 强被迫伦姧惨叫人妻系列| 日韩AV无码不卡免费毛片| 精品成人一区二区三区电影| 欧美国产日韩色综合色妞| 中文字幕亚洲一区二区精品无码| 一级无码日韩大片免费网站| 国产精品V欧美精品∨日韩下载| 国产床戏无遮挡免费观看网站| 亚洲精品国产偷五月丁香1| 国产欧美日本一区二区三区∨视频| 日韩av日韩无码电影网站| 国产成人精品自线拍| 久久这里只是精品免费视频| 国产一区二区无码精品久久| 久久精品网站免费观看调教| 成人免费无码婬片在线观看免费| 欧美日韩一区二区中文字幕视频| 91日韩国产成人精品| 国产精品亚洲А∨无码播放麻豆| 中文字幕a∨无码不卡免费| 欧洲熟妇色xxxx欧美老妇免费| 亚洲国产精品久久久久秋霞影院| 超97麻精品国产高清在线观看| 久久精品综合国产二区| 五月激情婷婷婷开心中文字幕| 毛片a级三毛片免费播放| 国产999精品久久久久久| 一级免费精品无码网站| 最新国产av无码专区亚洲| 久久久精品久久久久三级| 精品999日本久久久影院| 精品国产一区二区三区久久久久久| 国产精品99无码一区二蜜桃| 亚洲中文字幕在线资源第1页| 91一区二区三区四区五区| 国产黄片免费在线播放| 欧美婷婷丁香五月社区| av这里只有精品大帝資源免費看| 国产综合欧美中文| 国产精品高呻吟久久亚洲AV无码网| 国产欧美综合一区二区| 天天躁日日躁AAAAXXXX| 精品午夜国产在线观看不卡| 国产高清无码在线视频播放| 亚洲精品无码剧情在线观看| 96国内精品久久久久影院| 久久久久亚洲精品中文字幕| 狠噜噜噜网站一区二区| 日韩精品一区二区三区高清| 国产 麻豆 日韩 欧美 久久| 精品国产看高清国产毛片| 国内精品久久久人妻中文字幕| 亚洲欧美熟妇久久久久久久久| 色老易精品视频在线观看| 国产精品va在线播放我和闺蜜| 国产馆精品推荐在线观看| 日韩精品视频福利资源站| 国产性猛交××××乱七区| 欧美黑人性暴力猛交| 无码午夜人妻一区二区三区不卡视频| 久久久久久夜精品精品免费| 亚洲欧美一区二区三区综合| 91香蕉国产线观看免费| 国产精品国产三级国产无毒| 欧美高清性受喷水XXXX| 亚洲中文字幕无码一久久区| 欧美偷拍97色伦综合| 在线无码午夜福利高潮视频| 久久综合久久香蕉网欧美| 2021国产成人精品久久| 国产成人综合亚洲av| 国产1卡2卡3卡4卡免费| 亚洲熟妇久久精品| 亚洲国产婷婷综合在线18未满精品| 欧美成人精品三级在线观看| 热免费久久99这里有精品| 一本综合九九国产二区| 国内最新精品视频一区二区| 国产精品一区不卡在线| 欧美不卡高清一区二区三区| 99国产精品国产高清一区二区| 亚洲国产精品一区二区不卡www| 日韩精品久久久免费观看| 六度国产福利午夜视频黄瓜视频| 亚洲AV成人一区二区三区高清| 特级精品毛片免费观看| 97视频免费观看2区| a级国产乱理论片在线观看看| 色欲av网站一区二区三区| 国产高清乱理论片在线看| 日韩一片一级在线播放地址| 天天爽夜夜爽一区二区三区| 亚洲av无码一区二区三小说| 99热精品成人免费观看| 成人精品一区二区三区电影免费| 国产艺国产艺校美女第一集| 免费播放东京热无码国产精品| 国产精品免费A∨片在线观看| 欧美日韩国产精品久久久| 精品人妻无码专区视频| 日本乱偷人妻中文字幕在线| 亚洲欧美一区二区三区另类| 中文字幕三级人妻无码| 久久久久琪琪去精品色无码| 久久99精品一久久久久久| 国产2021久久精品| 国产综合亚洲区在线观看| 日本巨乳一区二区不卡在线| 国产午夜精品无码网站| 成人国产精品一级毛片了| 亚洲另在线日韩综合色| 精品亚洲欧美无人区乱码| 国产成人无码a区在线观看视频| 亚洲欧美一二区日韩高清在线| 性久之久久精品国产亚洲AV麻豆| 久久99国产乱子伦精品免费| av一区中文字幕在线观看| 国产婷婷一区二区三区| 91精品国产91久久久久久手机| 亚洲色欲或者高潮影院| 老牛亚洲天堂三级片视频| 无码人妻在线精品中文字幕| 国产精品无码一区二区在线看| 欧美性猛交xxxx黑人| 青青草无码精品伊人久久7| 亚洲日韩在线精品国偷产拍| 成人欧美一区二区三区视频| 日韩欧美一线本在线播放| 久久精品国产亚洲一区二区| 最新亚洲人成网站在线影院| 成人精品视频一区二区三区| 精品国产三级a∨在线无码| 国产亚洲一区二区福利精彩观看| 久久99久久精品免费观看| 国产AV无码精品色午夜| 亚洲av永久无码精品尤物| 国产口爆吞精在线观看短视频| 国产大学生粉嫩无套流白浆| 国产精品久久久久无码av网站| 中文字幕在线观看日韩少妇| 丰满少妇一级毛片亚洲日韩| 2024国产成人精品免费视频| 欧美日韩国产综合视频一区二区三区| 国产激情高清在线一区二区视频| 国产麻豆精品一区二区在线| 在线亚洲综合欧美网站首页| 国产美女视频一区二区二三区| 中文字幕无码乱人伦| 久久国产成人午夜AV影院| 欧美三级在线播放日本一区二区在线| 国产一区二区三区小说| 免费精品一区二区中文字幕| 18精品久久久无码午夜福利| 午夜福利国产精品久久婷婷| 美美女高清毛片视频黄的一免费| 在线看人与动人物A级毛片人5| 国产精品冒白浆免费视频| 精品不卡一区二区三区| 无码8090精品久久一区| 伊人无码精品久久一区二区| h的动漫在线观看亚洲一区| 最新无码国模在线视频| 国产丝袜一区二区三区在线观看| 亚洲一区二区三区乱码AⅤ蜜桃女| 产成a人亚洲精v品无码樱花| 国产成人在线兔费播放| 91视频最新网址| 日韩中文字幕国产一区| 一级线看片免费人成视频| 一区二区三区精品99久久| 国产高清无码在线视频播放| 国语精品一区二区三区两百| 日韩欧美国产成人| 亚洲成a人无码av波多野按摩| 亚洲AV永久无码精品一区二区| 自拍偷自拍亚洲精品五月天| 国国产乱理伦片在线观看夜| 免费一级a毛片在线播放高清视频| 91精品对白刺激国产在线| 最近中文字幕一区二区| 亚洲综合天堂国产精品久久久收费| 国产激情对白一区二区三区四| 狠噜噜噜网站一区二区| 免费一区二区三区成人免费视频| 好吊色国产欧美日韩免费观看| 亚洲熟妇无码久久精品疯| 亚洲国产中文精品综合久久网络| 国产日韩新片无码免费| 一级a性色生活片久久无少妇一级婬片免费放| 中文字幕无码专区视频| 国产精品热久久毛片| 无码人妻一区二区三区百度网盘| 18禁止午夜福利体验区| 亚洲AV无码专区一区二区三区| 午国产午夜激无码av不卡| 91国内精品久久久久久久清纯| 99久久国产自偷自偷免费一区| 欧美亚洲日韩中文| 欧美a级成人淫片免费看日韩三级一级| 99精品欧美一区二区三区不卡| 无码专区3D动漫精品免费| 国产精品麻豆成人AV电影艾秋| 亚洲欧美日韩偷拍综合一区| 精品视频一区二区三区| 久久精品国产亚洲精品| 欧洲日韩亚洲无线在码| 九九热国产精品一国产午夜精华| 开心久久五月天婷婷小说| 毛片无码不卡在线观看| 精品成人一区二区三区电影| 狠狠狠色丁香婷婷综合久久五月婷| 亚洲国产精品成av人不卡无码| 亚洲不卡av不卡一区二区| 欧美日韩亚洲综合一区二区三区激情在线| 久久久久久国产免费视网址| 国产精品国产三级国产av野外| 精品18国产一区二区三区| 最新中文字幕第一页| 精品欧美视频一区二区| 国产在线观看91精品一区| 在线播放免费人成日韩视| 国产欧美日韩一区二区搜索| 人妻在线无码天堂视频网| 色欲国产一区二区日韩欧美| 国产黄频在线观看免费下载| 国产精品欧洲激情无码av| 精品无码人妻一区二区三区不卡| 一区二区三区在线观看亚洲久| 国产亚洲一区在线观看| 欧美狂野乱码一二三四区| 中文字幕人妻伦伦精品| 久久久999国产精品| 亚洲精品国产aⅤ综合第一| 国产尤物精品一品二品在线观看| 中文字幕丰满子伦无码专区| 无码午夜福利免费区久久| 久久精品人人槡人人妻玩| 亚洲天堂中文字幕在线观看| 亚洲欧洲中文日韩久久av乱码| 一区二区三区四区在线播放| 亚洲高清无码性爱视频| 日韩免费一级A毛片在线播放一级| 日本不卡一区二区三区在线| 国产亚洲精品综合二区| 精品成a人亚洲精品无码| 在线免费观看二区三区| 久久精品欧美美99亚洲洲在| 色丁狠狠桃花久久综合网| 国内老熟妇对白HDXXXX| 无码人妻AV一二区二区三区| 中文字幕久久综合久久88| 亚洲国产成人精品久久久国产成人一区二区三区综合区精品久久久中文字幕一区| 亚洲S色大片在线观看| 国产老女人精品毛片久久| 免费真实播放国产乱子伦| 欧美丰满熟妇性XXXX| 东京热无码人妻一区二区三区av| 一本综合九九国产二区| 天堂亚洲AV无码专区亚洲AV| 精品国产一区二区三区四不卡在线| 99热这里都是国产精品| 国产91亚洲一区在线观看| 国产免费AⅤ片无码永久免费| 激情综合婷婷基地在线观看| 欧美日韩国产精品一区二区| 国产欧美一区二区精品性色超碰| 亚洲有码中文字幕一区二区不卡| 欧美精品在线播放亚洲人成亚洲精品| 99久久久国产精品日本久久区一| 国色天香精品一卡二卡三卡| 国产成人一区二区三区在线精品| 人成在线免费观看视频| 亚洲Av无码成人精品国产小说| 深夜免费黄色网址导航| 久久99精品久久久久久2021| 国产三级在线播放放视频| 亚洲日韩亚洲另类激情文学| 久久久国产一区二区三区丝袜| 欧美日韩精品不卡在线播放| 欧美日韩专区在线观看| 国产专区一区二区三区在线观看| 97人人夜夜视频精品| 国语对白高潮呻吟久久无码| 亚洲乱亚洲乱妇41p| 亚州永久无码一级| 国产午夜手机在线观看| 亚洲一区二区日韩欧美gif| 亚洲国产精品电影人久久| 国产99视频在线观看蜜芽| 欧美日韩在线影院一区二区三区| 国产精品无码不卡一区二区三区|