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Discussion on electromagnetic compatibility of DSP
Release time: 2018-05-01Views: 678

1 Introduction

Since the first digital signal processor chip (DSP) came out in the early 1980s, DSP has brought great opportunities for the development of digital signal processing and a wide range of applications with the unique characteristics of digital devices, such as stability, repeatability, large-scale integration, especially programmability and easy to realize adaptive processing. However, because DSP is a quite complex, diverse digital and analog hybrid system with many subsystems, the interference of external electromagnetic radiation and the interference between internal components, subsystems and transmission channels on DSP and its data information has seriously threatened the stability, reliability and safety of its work [1]. According to statistics, DSP accidents caused by interference account for about 90% of its total accidents. At the same time, DSP inevitably radiates electromagnetic waves, which will interfere, hinder or damage human body and equipment in the environment. And with the improvement of DSP operation speed, the signal bandwidth that can be processed in real time is also greatly increased, and its research focus has also shifted to high-speed, real-time applications. But just like this, its electromagnetic compatibility is becoming more and more prominent. This paper discusses the electromagnetic compatibility of DSP.

2 electromagnetic compatibility of DSP hardware

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) includes the emission and sensitivity of the system. If interference cannot be completely eliminated, it should also be minimized. If a DSP system meets the following three conditions, the system is EMC. (1) No interference to other systems; (2) Insensitive to the emission of other systems; (3) There is no interference to the system itself.

2.1 main sources of interference in DSP

Electromagnetic interference is generated through conductors or radiation. Many electromagnetic emission sources, such as lighting, relays, DC motors and fluorescent lamps, can cause interference. AC power lines, interconnection cables, metal cables and internal circuits of subsystems may also generate radiation or receive unwanted signals. In high-speed digital circuits, clock circuits are usually the largest source of broadband noise. In the fast DSP system, these circuits can produce harmonic distortion signals up to 300MHz, which should be eliminated in the system. In digital circuits, reset lines, interrupt lines and control lines are the most vulnerable.

2.2 conductive interference in DSP

One of the most obvious propagation paths that can cause circuit noise is through conductors. A wire passing through the noisy environment can pick up the noise and send it to another circuit to cause interference. The designer must avoid wire picking up noise. If the noise enters the circuit through the power line, if the power supply itself or other circuits connected to the power supply are interference sources, it must be decoupled before the power line enters the circuit.

2.3 common impedance coupling in DSP

Common impedance coupling occurs when current from two different circuits flows through a common impedance. The voltage drop across the impedance is determined by two circuits. The ground current from the two circuits flows through the common ground impedance, the ground potential of circuit 1 is modulated by ground current 2, and the noise signal or DC compensation is coupled from circuit 2 to circuit 1 through the common ground impedance.

2.4 radiation coupling in DSP

The coupling produced by radiation is commonly known as crosstalk. Crosstalk is caused by the electromagnetic field generated when the current flows through the conductor, which will induce a transient current in the adjacent conductor.

2.5 radiation phenomenon in DSP

There are two basic types of radiation: differential (DM) and common mode (CM) modes. Common mode radiation or monopole antenna radiation is caused by unintentional voltage drop, which raises all ground connections in the circuit above the system ground potential. In terms of the size of the electric field, CM radiation is a more serious problem than DM radiation. In order to minimize cm radiation, a practical design must be used to reduce the common mode current to zero.

2.6 factors affecting EMC

(1) Voltage: the higher the power supply voltage, the greater the voltage amplitude and the more emissions, while the lower the power supply voltage affects the sensitivity.

(2) Frequency: high frequency signals and periodic signals will produce more radiation. In the high frequency digital system, when the device is in the switching state, the current spike signal will be generated; In the analog system, when the load current changes, the current spike signal will also be generated.

(3) Grounding: in circuit design, nothing is more important than using a reliable and perfect grounding connection. In all EMC problems, most of them are caused by improper grounding. There are three signal grounding methods: single point, multi-point and mixed. Single point grounding method can be adopted when the frequency is lower than 1MHz; In high-frequency applications, it is best to use multi-point grounding; Hybrid grounding is a combination of single point grounding at low frequency and multi-point grounding at high frequency. However, the ground circuit of high-frequency digital circuit and low-level analog circuit must not be mixed.

(4) PCB Design: proper printed circuit board (PCB) wiring is very important to prevent electromagnetic interference.

(5) Power decoupling: when the device is switched, transient currents will be generated on the power line, which must be attenuated and filtered. The transient currents from high DI /dt sources cause the “emission” voltage of the ground and trace. High D i/dt generates a wide range of high-frequency current, which excites the radiation of components and cables. The change of current and inductance flowing through the wire will lead to voltage drop. Reducing the change of inductance or current with time can minimize the voltage drop.

2.7 DSP hardware noise reduction technology

2.7.1 noise reduction technology in board structure and line arrangement

(1) Adopt ground and power supply panel;

(2) The plate area should be large to provide low impedance for power decoupling;

(3) Minimize surface conductors;

(4) Narrow lines (4 to 8 mils) are used to increase high-frequency damping and reduce capacitive coupling;

(5) Separate the ground / power lines of digital, analog, receiver and transmitter;

(6) Separate circuits on PCB according to frequency and type;

(7) Do not cut the PCB. The traces near the cut may lead to unwanted loops;

(8) The use of laminated structure is the best preventive measure against most signal integrity problems and EMC problems. It can effectively control the impedance, and its internal wiring can form an easy to understand and predictable transmission line structure. And the traces between the power supply and the floor shall be sealed;

(9) Keep the spacing between adjacent excitation traces larger than the width of traces to minimize crosstalk;

(10) The area of clock signal loop should be as small as possible;

(11) The high-speed line and clock signal line should be short and directly connected;

(12) Sensitive traces should not be parallel to those transmitting high current fast switching conversion signals;

(13) Do not have floating digital input to prevent unnecessary switching and noise generation;

(14) Avoid power supply traces under crystal oscillator and other inherent noise circuits;

(15) The corresponding power, ground, signal and loop traces should be parallel to the scenery to eliminate noise;

(16) Separate the clock line, bus and chip enabling end from the input / output line and connector;

(17) Make the route clock signal and i/o signal in orthogonal position;

(18) In order to minimize crosstalk, the traces are crossed at right angles and scattered ground wires;

(19) Protect the key traces (use 4-8 mil traces to minimize the inductance, the route is close to the floor, the interlayer structure between the floors, and there is ground on each side of the protective interlayer).

2.7.2 noise reduction method using filtering technology

(1) Filter the power line and all signals entering the PCB, and use high-frequency low inductance ceramic capacitors (0.1 MF for 14mhz and 0.01mf for more than 15MHz) at each point pin of the IC for decoupling; (2) Bypass all power supply and reference voltage pins of analog circuit;

(3) Bypass fast switching device;

(4) Decouple the power / ground at the device lead;

(5) Multilevel filtering is used to attenuate multi band power supply noise;

(6) Install and embed the crystal oscillator on the board and ground it;

(7) Shield at appropriate places;

(8) Arrange the adjacent ground wire close to the signal line, so as to more effectively prevent the emergence of new electric fields;

(9) Place the decoupling line driver and receiver properly close to the actual i/o interface, which can reduce the coupling between PCB and other circuits, and reduce the radiation and sensitivity;

(10) Shield and twist the interfering leads together to eliminate the mutual coupling on the PCB;

(11) Clamp diode on inductive load

Software interference is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

(1) The main reason for incorrect algorithm to produce wrong results is that the program index operation in the computer processor is approximate calculation, and sometimes the results have large errors, which is easy to produce misoperation;

(2) Because the accuracy of the computer is not high, and the addition and subtraction operation needs to be in the right order, the large number “eats” the decimal, resulting in error accumulation, leading to the emergence of underflow, which is also one of the sources of noise;

(3) The computer caused by hardware interference, such as: program counter PC value changes, data acquisition error increases, control state failure, RAM data changes due to interference, and the system appears “deadlock” and other phenomena.

3.1 method of intercepting out of control procedure

(1) Single byte instructions should be used more in program design, and some empty operation instructions should be inserted at the key points, or the effective single byte instructions should be repeated several times, so as to protect the subsequent instructions from being disassembled and make the program run on the right track; (2) Adding software traps: when the PC value is out of control and the program is out of control, the CPU enters the non program area. At this time, a boot instruction can be used to force the program into the initial entry state and enter the program area. A trap can be set every other section; (3) Software reset: when the program “flies”, run the monitoring system to automatically reset and reinitialize the system.

3.2 judgment of setting signs

Define a unit as a flag, set the value of the unit as a characteristic value in the module main program, and then judge whether the value of the unit remains unchanged at the end of the main program. If it is different, it indicates an error, and the program will turn to the error handling subroutine.

3.3 add data security backup

Important data is stored in more than two storage areas, and large capacity external RAM can also be used to back up the data. Permanent data is made into tables and solidified in EPROM, which can not only prevent data and tables from being destroyed, but also ensure that data will not be run as instructions when the program logic is chaotic.

4. Several key factors that should be paid attention to when using EDA tool design

On the one hand, the design of high-speed digital circuits needs the experience of designers, on the other hand, it needs the support of excellent EDA tools. EDA software has moved towards multi-function and intelligence. With the application of high-density single chip, high-density connector, micropore built-in technology and 3D board in the design of printed circuit board, layout and wiring have become more and more integrated, and become an important part of the design process. Software technology such as automatic layout and free angle wiring has gradually become an important method to solve this kind of highly integrated problem. Using this kind of software can design a manufacturable circuit board within a specified time range. At present, due to the shorter and shorter time to market of products, manual wiring is extremely time-consuming and cannot meet the requirements. Therefore, the layout and routing tool is now required to have automatic routing function to quickly respond to the higher requirements of the market for product design.

4.1 automatic wiring technology

Due to the consideration of high-density design factors such as electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electromagnetic interference, crosstalk, signal delay and differential pair wiring, the constraints of layout and wiring are increasing every year. A few years ago, the general circuit board needed only 6 differential pairs for wiring, but now it needs 600 pairs. It is impossible to only rely on manual wiring to realize these 600 pairs of wiring within a certain period of time, so automatic wiring tools are essential. Although the number of nodes (net) in today’s design has not changed significantly compared with a few years ago, but the complexity of silicon wafer has increased, the proportion of important nodes in the design has greatly increased. Of course, for some particularly important nodes, the layout and routing tool is required to distinguish, but there is no need to limit each pin or node.

4.2 methods that should be paid attention to when using free angle wiring technology

With the increase of integrated functions on single-chip devices, the number of output pins has also greatly increased, but its package size has not been expanded. In addition, due to the limitations of pin spacing and impedance factors, such devices must adopt thinner linewidth. At the same time, the overall reduction of product size means that the space for layout and wiring is also greatly reduced. In some DSP products, the size of the backplane is almost the same as that of the devices on it, and the components occupy as much as 80% of the board area. The pins of some high-density components are staggered, and even the tools with 45 ° wiring function cannot be used for automatic wiring. The free angle wiring tool has great flexibility, which can maximize the wiring density; Its pull-tight function makes each node shorten automatically after wiring to meet the space requirements; It can greatly reduce the signal delay and the number of parallel paths, which helps to avoid crosstalk. Using free angle wiring technology can make the design manufacturable, and the designed circuit performance is good.

4.3 technology to be adopted for high-density devices

The latest high-density system level chips are packaged in BGA or cob, and the pin spacing is decreasing day by day. The ball spacing has been as low as 1mm, and will continue to decrease. This makes it impossible to use traditional wiring tools to lead out the signal wire of the package. At present, there are two methods to solve this problem: (1) through the hole under the ball, the signal line is led out from the lower layer; (2) A lead channel is found in the ball grid array by using extremely thin wiring and free angle wiring. For high-density devices, it is the only feasible way to use the wiring method with minimal width and space, because only in this way can we ensure a high yield. Modern cabling technology also requires the automatic application of these constraints. The free wiring method can reduce the number of wiring layers and reduce the product cost. At the same time, it also means that some ground layers and power layers can be added to improve signal integrity and EMC performance at the same cost.

4.4 adopt other new circuit board design and manufacturing technologies

The application of microporous plasma etching technology in the fabrication of multilayer board in DSP greatly improves the performance of layout and wiring tools. Adding a new hole in the path width by plasma etching will not increase the base plate itself and the manufacturing cost, because the cost of making 1000 holes by plasma etching is as low as that of making one hole. This requires the wiring tool to have greater flexibility. It must be able to apply different constraints to meet the requirements of different micropores and construction technologies. The increasing density of components also has an impact on the layout design. The layout and wiring tools always assume that there is enough space on the board for the component release machine to release the surface, so that new components can be installed without affecting the existing components on the board. However, the sequential placement of components will cause such a problem that the best position of each component on the board will change every time a new component is placed. This is the reason for the low degree of automation and high degree of human intervention in the layout design process. Although the current layout tools have no limit on the number of elements to be laid out in sequence, some technicians believe that the layout tools are actually limited when used for sequential layout, which is about 500 components. Some technicians also think that when the yuan is placed on a board

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欧美麻豆精品久久久久久| 欧美成人aⅴ免费在线| 免费人妻精品区一区二| 今日亚洲2021在线观看| 国产精品99在线播放| 岛国无码一级特黄激情毛片| 欧美日韩国产综合视频一区二区三区| 日韩一区二区三区四区不卡| 91麻豆精品国产自产精品观看| 国产xxxxa级免费观看| 久久精品少妇黄色视频| 亚洲综合av一区二区| 又色又爽又黄的视频毛片| 亚洲精品无码你懂的网站| 久久99热精品这里久久精品| 最近中文高清中文字幕视频| 欧美v国产v日韩v在线| 亚洲一视频亚洲二视频| 国产精品合集一区二区| 精品无码久久一区二区三区| 亚洲AV无码一区二区三区在线观看| 国产大神高清视频在线观看| 人人做人人爱国产97| 色悠悠久久综合亚洲| 精品无码中文视频在线观看| 日韩午夜中文字幕电影| 囯产精品无码一区二区三区| 日日摸夜夜添夜夜添高潮喷水| 韩国精品人妻受不了无码| 日产av免费观看不卡| 国产亚洲品久久久久久久无码| 国产日韩精品视频一区二区三区| 亚洲天堂中文字幕在线观看| 亚洲精品乱码久久久久久自慰| 精品视频一区二区三区| 婷婷丁香五月天久久综合视| 人妻A∨无码中文专区久久| 无码午夜福利网址在线现看| 91网站视频在线观看| 国产精品福利一区二区久久| 国产在线精品一区二区在线看| 国产精品视频一区二区二区| 2020亚洲国产精品久久久| 人妻久久久一区二区三区| 波多野结衣一区二区三区在线播放| 大伊香蕉精品一区视频在线| 亚洲精品国产综合久久二区无码| 无码精品人妻一区二区三区AV| 国产在线高清在线精品| 亚洲国产综合专区在线观看| 92精品国产自产在线观看| 青青草无码精品伊人久久7| 国产熟女视频一区二区三区| av色综合久久天堂av色综合在| 欧美黄频在线免费看| 老熟女高潮一区二区三区| 色婷婷五月亚洲大全| 日本人妻少妇久久中文子幕| 本道久久综合无码中文字幕qq| 精品欧美一区二区三区香蕉| 国语对白高潮呻吟久久无码| 亚洲av 日韩av不卡在线观看| 欧美黄色片中文字| 欧美日韩国产在线一区| 成人久久久观看免费毛片| 国产国产人在线成免费观看| 日本精品视频一区二区在线观看| 国产高清精品综合在线网址| 视频一本大道香蕉久在线播放| 欢迎访问性无码专区中国无码片| 亚洲av无码乱码国产精品一| 侧所偷拍一区二区三区四区| 国产又色又爽又黄的网址| 国产在线视频一区二区| 精品久久久久久中文字幕无码软件| 久久久久久人妻一区二区三区| 2021国产主播精品| 亚洲一级在线观看无码| 91精品国产福利在线观看| 国产在线激情视频一区二区三区| 国产亚洲av手机在线观看| 国产精品一区欧美激情| 欧美福利视频精品一区二区| 91麻豆国产视频一级片| 2021最新国产精品网站| 亚洲一区二区三区在线观看网站| 久久国产乱子伦精品免费女為您提供| 免费无码鲁丝片一区二区| 久久亚洲精品国产亚洲老地址欧美| 国产尤物精品一品二品在线观看| 67194熟妇人妻欧美日韩| 日本一区二区免费东京热| 无码制服人妻丝袜ol在线| 亚洲国产不卡精品一区二区| 无码国产精品一区二区VR老人| 日韩欧黄色电影一区二区三区| GOGOGO高清免费观看中国| 欧美久久久精品中文字幕| 亚洲精品国产AV成拍| 成人a免费大片在线看| a久久99精品久久久久久不| 免费的人成无码大片在线观看| 欧美婷婷六月丁香综合色| 2021国产福利三级大片| 国产一二三四区在线观看| 久久精品中文字幕老司机| 草草久久久无码国产专区| 亚洲日韩激情无码一区久久| 国产欧美另类久久久精品九一| 免费无码真人裸交视频| 成人精品一区二区毛片不卡| 外国一级毛片| 久久精品嫩草影院免费看| 久99久视热频免费观看6| 日韩丰满少妇无吗视频激情内射| 中文字幕无亚洲欧洲日韩| 88国产经典欧美一区二区三区| 亚洲无码永远免费视频| 91大神在线精品视频一区| 99久久精品午夜一区二区毛片| 人妻超清中文字幕乱码一区| 一本之道dvd久久不卡一区| 亚洲国产欧美日韩成人综合| A毛片毛片AV永久免费| 日本免费一区二区三区| 国产精品亚洲欧美大片在线看| 亚洲国产精品电影人久久| 亚洲综合图区 第一页| 亚洲色在线无码国产精品| 2023久久国产最新免费观看| 欧美日韩一区二区在线免费| 亚洲精品国产精品乱码视色| 亚洲国产一区二区三区在线观看| 亚洲欧美中日韩无字幕| 久草视频这里只有精品| 国产激情一区二区三区成人AV| 精品久久久久久久无码| 欧美一级暧暧视频在线观看| 国产精品特黄在线观看| 无码中文字幕在线观看| 日本人妻丰满熟妇久久久久久| 粉嫩99国产精品99久久久久久| 91精品国产亚洲爽啪在| 亚洲国产成人精彩精品97| 中文字幕人妻视频永久| 亚洲爆乳无码精品一区二区三区| 久久免费视频国产丝袜| 在线观看亚洲精品区欧美区| 亚洲欧美日韩中文字幕一区二区三区| 国产婷婷丁香久久综合| 日韩一区欧美一区| 免费 无码 国产在线网站| 精品久久久久三级高潮免费不卡电影| 亚洲成本人片无码免费| 天天爱天天做天天透无毒不卡| 激情一区二区三区成人| 国产午夜精品理论片免费观看| 中文字幕黄片免费电影| 亚洲国产精品综合久久网络| 天天天欲色欲色WWW免费| 国产免费Av一区二区三区| 国产福利在线观看久| 一区二区三区免费AV| 国产精品美女流白浆视频| 四虎国产精品高清在线观看| 亚洲欧美日韩国产另例| 亚洲国产精品灌醉女同事| 俺也去狠狠色综合电影网| 蜜臀av色欲无码人妻精品天美| 国产精品人人爽人人爽AV| 中文乱码人妻系列一区二区| 国产AV国片精品JK制服丝袜| 国产在线无码视频一区二区三区| 韩国女主播在线一区二区免费| 国产精品一品道加勒比| 天天操天天射天天吃天天干| 日韩成人一级片在线观看| 亚洲中文字幕无线乱码| 澳门AV永久无码精品| 综合亚洲国产日韩欧美在线| 亚洲日韩乱码久久久久久| 中文字幕一区二区不卡| 亚洲狠狠婷婷中文字幕网站| 在线亚洲精品福利网址导航| 久久精品成人一区二区三区| 亚洲无线一线二线三线区别| 久久AV无码专区亚洲Av| 国产一区二区三区美女秒播| 国产精品2000夫妇激情啪发布| 免费国产精品青青青高清在线密亚| 免费av动漫无码不卡网站| 无码一区二区不卡免费在线观看| 亚洲精品不卡AV在线播放| 好吊色国产欧美日韩免费观看| 日韩女优午夜免费视频| 久久亚洲AV成人网人人网站| 91人妻人人澡人人爽人人精品| 久久综合精品国产二区无码| 亚洲欧美卡通在线一区| 日韩欧美视频一区| 国产精品 日韩无码| 伊人久久大香线蕉观看| 亚洲性无码AV中文字幕| 国产精品免费观看一区二区| 欧美日韩一区二区线看免费| 一级AAA特黄A∨片免费观看| 免费真实播放国产乱子伦| 亚洲日韩欧美综合二区| 人妻系列中出在线中文字幕| 欧美一区二区三区激情| 欧美综合自拍亚洲综合图自拍| 欧美亚洲图片另类一区二区| 亚洲国产二区三区久久| 日韩精品高清一区二区三区| 国产精品亚洲成AV人在线观看| 又大又粗又硬又黄又爽的视频| 亚洲伊人久久精品影院α片| 国产一区在线观看不卡| 欧美精品乱人伦久久久久| 好猛好深好爽好硬免费视频| 欧美日韩国产三级精品| 具有亚洲有码中文字幕在線視頻| 国内精品不卡一区二区三区| 国产精品嫩草影院入口一| 亚洲A∨精品无码一区二区观看| 久久久久亚洲AV成人人电影软件| 亚洲人ⅴsAⅴ国产精品| 国产大片91精品免费观看3| 中文字幕久精品免费视频| 国产私人尤物无码不卡| 国产精品香蕉夜间视频免费播放| 久热中文字幕在线精品首页| 免费国产成高清人在线视频| 久精品视在线中文字幕| 亚洲伊人久久综合成人网站| 91亚洲福利app导航| 无码毛片视频一区免费播放| 黑人中文字幕在线精品视频站| 91精品国产91热久久久久福利| 国产青春av娱乐极品| 亚洲国产综合精品久久久久| 18禁美女裸体无遮挡免费观看国产| 久久人妻公开中文字幕网| 久久久久av无码免费网| 亚洲欧美日韩国产成人app| 极品尤物一区二区三区| 国产日常欧美一区二区三区| 国产精品视频二区二区二区色欲| 国产亚洲综合欧美一区二区| 亚洲永久中文字幕在线| 国产成人av无码精品| 91精品国产91久久| 国产区精品亚洲性色婷婷| 一级a爱视频日本免费| 日本视频不卡一区二区| 欧美人与动牲交欧美精品| 国产亚洲精品AAAAAAA片| 亚洲人成电影在线播放| 综合亚洲国产日韩欧美在线| 久久久国产97久久国产| 久久久久亚洲国产AV麻豆| 福利一区在线观看| 三级中文字幕在线有码| 亚洲成α人V欧美综合天堂| 欧美精品束缚一区二区三区| 国产精品狼人久久久久影院| 无码国内精品人妻少妇蜜桃视频| 国产黄在线观看免费观| 热久久伊人中文字幕无码无卡| 欧美日韩高清观看一区二区| 欧美日本亚洲另类视频| 91精品免费视频在线观看| 久久久波多野av一区无码| WW欧日韩视频高清在线| 色一情一乱一伦一区二区三区| 中文字幕专区狠狠免费视频| 一本久道中文无码字幕AV| 美国一级aⅤ一区二区在线| 96免费精品视频在线观看| 超碰在线观看国产久碰| 亚洲av无码一区二区三小说| 91精品国产91热久久久久福利| 国产精品亚洲日日摸夜夜添| 欧美日韩在线一区二区| 黄色一区二区三区在线观看视频| 国产 欧美 一区 二区| 色一情一乱一伦一区二区三区| 国产永久免费观看的黄网站| 亚洲一区二区精品视频| 日韩一级毛一欧美一级首页| 亚洲成a人片在线观看播放| 久久久久国产精品免费免费搜索| 国产波霸爆乳一区二区| 久久国产福利久久精品99| 欧美日韩人成综合在线| 国产美女免费网站| 精品成人免费播放国产片| 亚洲欧美日韩国产另类一区二区三区| 日韩综合亚洲色在线影院| 国产av无码专区亚洲精品网站| 亚洲欧美一区二区三区蜜芽| 91丝袜在线播放| 久久精品国产亚洲成人AV未满十八站| 亚洲精品无码aⅴ中文字幕蜜桃| 欧美精品一区二区三区乱码欧美| 一区二区三区四区五区无码高清| 亚洲精品无码av国模| 国产精品免费sm观看调教网| 欧美激情视频在线观看一区二区三区| 亚洲国产精品久久无套| 日本人妻丰满熟妇久久久久久| 日本爽快片18禁片免费久久| 国产一级毛片无码视频中字| 国产一区二区中文字幕| 日本高清视频www夜色资源网| 国产AV一区二区凹凸精品| 久久天天躁狠狠躁夜夜AVapp| 国产激情视频一区二区三区欧美| 国产乱码精品一区二区三区卡| 亚洲国产尤物av尤物在线| 国产精品不卡一区二区三区四区| 欧美日韩熟妇在线视频| 精品人妻一区二区三区久久夜夜嗨| 日韩A∨无码久久一区二区| 国产区点击进入在线影院| 囯产目拍亚洲精品分类| 98国产成人综合久久精品| 一区二区三区在线视频不卡| 一级毛片免费高清视频| 99国产精品任我爽58| 久99精品视频免费视频免费观看| 亚洲成a v人片在线观看| 国产亚洲精久久久久久无码精品| 亚洲无码在线观看免费| 亚洲国产在一二区三区不卡| 日本午夜福利视频一区二区三区| 国产综合视频精品一区二区| 无码人妻AⅤ一区二区三区用会员| 日韩精品一区二区三区国语自制| 一本伊人久久无码视频| 日韩欧美高清一区| 日本有码中文字幕第一页在线播放| 人妻内射一区二区在线视频| 国产精品无码专区久久久| 亚洲一区在线曰日韩在线51页| 无码片一区二区三区视频在线看| 国产永久免费高清在线| 亚洲欧洲一区二区三区在线观看| 国产精品女同一区二区在线观看| 欧洲精品免费视频在线观看| 日本中文字幕一区二区精品| 一区二区三区在线观看欧美精品| 97精品依人久久久大香线蕉97| 日韩欧美一区二区视频在线观看| 免费高清一区二区三区最新| 亚洲人成网站观看在线播放超| 亚洲AV永久无码精品古装片| 中文精品久久久久中文| 五码三级级精品国产宾馆| 亚洲美国产亚洲av| 精品国产a∨无码一区二区三区| 无码无套少妇毛多18P| 国产乱人伦偷精品视频免| 欧美日韩中文字幕视频不卡一二区| 欧洲精品码一区二区三区| 人妻少妇久久中文字幕大全| 免费观看一级特黄欧美大片| 全黄a免费一级毛片人人爱| 欧美极品JIZZHD欧美| 无码人妻精品一区二区三区夜夜嗨| 国产美女无遮挡免费网站| 亚洲精品国产高清不卡在线| 日韩又大又长又粗视频| 伊人久久综合无码成人网| 日韩成人国产精品秘片多多| 亚洲欧美日韩一区二区三区在线| 日本高清无卡码一区二区久久| 久久免费看少妇高潮V片特黄| 国产在线观看黄av免费| 亚洲国产中文一区二区三区在观看| 无码人妻aⅴ一区二区三| 久久久久久久久亚洲综合精品| 两女女百合互慰av赤裸无遮挡| 国产超爽人人爽人人做人人爽| 亚洲精品第一在线观看视频| 亚洲人成伊人成综合网久久| 久久中文字幕免费视频| 亚洲狠狠做深爱婷婷影院| 91丝袜在线播放| 日韩AV无码中文一区二区三区| 亚洲综合无码另类在线| 国产在线一区二区日韩在线观看| 69凹凸国产成人精品| 久久99热成人精品国产| 亚洲A∨综合色区无码二区偷拍| 一级A爱做片免费观看国产| 久久经精品久久精品免费观看| 欧美牲交a欧牲交aⅴ久久| 狠狠综合久久综合88亚洲| 大又大粗又爽又黄少妇毛片| 国产兔费无码一区二区视频| 91久久香蕉国产线看| 国产在线视频不卡一区二区| 五月激激激综合网色播| 国产精品无码A∨在线看| 久久综合久久精品无码| 无码少妇下面水多| 亚洲国产精品色一区二区| 亚洲av秘 无码一区二区在线| 成人网站日韩在线视频| 亚洲精品亚洲人成在线麻豆| 久久精品国内Av熟女高清| 亚洲国产成人精品女人| 亚洲第一免费网站| 久久久波多野av一区无码| 色综合视频一区二区三区高清| 日韩av日韩无码电影网站| 欧美一区二区精品系列在线观看| 真人一级免费AV播放| 国产九九免费视频网站| 中文字幕亚洲精品资源网| 久久这里只有热精品18| 福利一区二区三区视频播放| 亚洲欧美日韩中文字幕一区二区三区| 无码午夜人妻一区二区三区不卡视频| 国产一区二区三区天堂av| 久久久久国产精品免费| 亚欧三级无码视频在线观看| 日韩一片一级在线播放地址| 国产另类久久久精品网站| 麻豆文化传媒官方网站免费进入| 国产1024精品视频专区免费| 无码粉嫩虎白一线天在线观看| 欧美精品成人久久网站| 久久精品无码一区二区三区毛片| 国产黄色片精品一区二| 欧美日韩精品一区二区另类| 国产成人亚洲欧美电影| 国产91av在线免费观看| 久久久久亚洲精品影视| 91精品国产自产在线老师啪| 亚洲成A人片在线观看无码专区| 欧美亚洲一区中文字幕在线| 欧美人妻一区二区三区视频| 欧美精品 在线播放| 国产超碰人人做人人爽Av| 亚洲一区二区成人深夜福利| 国产成人91亚洲精品无码观看| 四虎国产精品永久在线囯在线| 国产精品黄色片视频在看| 无码精品亚洲日韩专区| 日韩人妻无码中文字幕| 国产精品va在线观看老妇女| 美女制服丝袜一区二区三区| 久久伊人精品青青草原vr| 99国产午夜精品免费观看| 国产午夜福利一区在线观看| 中文字幕无码dvd亚洲| 最新国产午夜福利| 久久亚洲国产综合精品日本| 国产粉嫩区一区二区三| 亚洲乱码中文字幕综合站| 欧美日韩中文字幕在线一区二区| 女人喷液抽搐高潮视频| 欧美噜噜久久久XXX| 99在线视频精品费观看视| 亚欧免费视频一区二区三区| 国产欧美日韩在线观看精品| 特黄特色的大片观看免费视频香港| 国产在线无码不卡影视影院| 亚洲性爱免费小视频| 夜精品a一区二区三区| 精品国产污网站在线看| 久久精品亚洲一区二区三区浴池| 97高清国语福利自产拍| 91香蕉成人免费网站| 亚洲综合亚洲综合网成人| 色偷偷中文字幕一区二区三区三级| 最近免费中文字幕大全免费版视频| 人妻妇女偷人精品一区二区| 真正免费一级毛片在线播放| 国产日韩欧美一区二区综合色| 免费一级大毛片a一观看不卡| AV无码精品一区二区三区四区| 久久久久久免费精品无码| 99精品久久99久久久久久| 中文字幕亚洲网址第1页| 国产精品女视频一区二区| 亚洲精品国精品久久99热| 国产AV一区二区精品凹凸| 亚洲国产成人精品无码av不卡久久久久| 精品免费国产一区二区女| 亚洲AV秘 无码一区二区小说| 亚洲欧美一区二区三区日本| 影音先锋国产精品无码| 亚洲AV成人片无码| 国产亚洲欧洲997久久综合| 国产精品白浆无码流出系列| 美女张开腿让男人桶爽免费| 精品一区二区三区av天堂| 人妻少妇av无码一区二区| 亚洲AV永久无码精品放毛片| 国产大神高清视频在线观看| 国产SUV精二区69| 久久综合亚洲鲁鲁五月天| 国产精品亚洲一区二区三区在线观看| 精品视频一区二区三区| 久久夜色精品国产亚洲aⅴ| 国精品午夜福利视频性色| 亚洲AV无码日韩AV无码网站冲| 亚洲国产中文91在线无码| 久久永久免费专区人妻精品| 久久精品国产免费观看99| 精品国产区二区三区AV| 国产色综合一区二区三区| 亚洲AV无码国产精品色午友在线| 亚欧免费视频一区二区三区| 免费一级毛片在线观看| 91精品婷婷国产综合久久| 成人日韩无码动漫秘一区二区| 国产永久免费观看久久黄AV片| 国产三级A三级三级| 在线观看国产人视频免费中国| 日韩欧美综合在线观看| 一区二区三区久久中文字幕| 久久精品网站免费观看调教| 欧美激情在线视频中文| 久久天天躁狠狠躁夜夜婷| 久久99九九精品久久久久齐齐| 国产热の有码热の无码视频| 国产亚洲精品sese在线播放| 日本老熟MATUREBBW子乱| 亚洲欧美一区二区三区蜜芽| 久久99精品国产麻豆婷婷小说| 免费国产成人肉肉视频大全| 少妇熟女内射一区二区三区| 全部免费的毛片在线看| 亚洲精品资源站中文字幕| 久久综合一区二区| 99国产亚洲网站精品久久久久| 99精品欧美一区二区综合在线| 激情五月开心五月综合婷婷| 国产精品福利影院| 久综合东京热精品视频| 久久人人爽人人爽人人片AV高清| 久久精品久久久久久久久人| 欧美日韩国产区在线观看| 久久一本色系列综合色| 亚洲无码精品一区二区电影| 久久精品久久精品中文字幕| 日本欧美精品一区二区三区四| 久久久久国产精品嫩草| 伊人无码精品久久一区二区| 亚洲精品无码专区国产乱码| 欧美一区二区三区激情| 亚洲天堂视频在线| 无码中文字幕人妻在线一区| 一本到中文字幕AⅤ在线| 亚洲AV网一区二区三区| 精品特级一级毛片免费观看| 国产精品毛片无遮挡| 中文字幕人妻被公上司喝醉| 日韩免费一区二区三区| 亚洲三级片在线视频| 国产l精品国产亚洲区在线观看| 亚洲精品一级无码中文字幕| 欧美日韩国产大陆综合一区| 亚洲人妻日本香蕉鸡巴视频| 99久久精品费精品国产一区二| WWXX在线观看免费| 无码一级毛片免费完整版| 无码中文字幕av免费放网站| 粗大猛烈进出高潮喷浆h| 亚洲综合国产一区二区三区| 亚洲 日韩 国产 综合| 国产日韩欧美另类| 国产亚洲欧洲日韩在线91区| 都市亚洲校园综合第三页| 日本一区二区免费东京热| 一本一本久久e久久精品综合| 激情综合婷婷色五月蜜桃| 国语自产少妇精品视频蜜桃| 久久久久亚洲毛片大全| 国产盗摄一区二区三区在线| 久久精品亚洲日本波多野结衣| 久久亚州精品国产精品婷婷| 99这里只有精品视频| 久久亚洲午夜福利完整一区| 无码视频在线观看一区二区| 欧美久久久久久精选大尺度| 久久亚洲日韩一区二区综合精品| JIZZJIZZ国产精品久久| 精品乱码一区二区三区四区| 一级国产精无码在线观看| 久久99精品国产一区二区| 伊人久久大香线蕉aⅴ色| 久久精品午夜91无码免费| 欧美日本国产VA高清CABAL| 美女一区二区三区在线观看| 超级乱淫视频播放日韩| 亚洲欧美一区二区三区另类| 日本护士色系亚洲精品国产精品| 国产精品视频久久久久久久久久| 超碰人摸人人人澡人人| 无码少妇下面水多| 欧美成人在线视频| 人妖精品亚洲永久免费精品| 伊人久久精品无码AⅤ专区| 亚洲国产精品一区二区三区| 亚洲中文字幕av每天更新| 日本高清无卡码一区二区久久| 亚洲国产精品日韩在线| 在线观看v片免费视频| 国产精品毛片无码| 亚洲第一精品视频在线观看| 国产精品自产拍在线观看花钱看| 尤物精品视频一区二区三区| 亚洲国产精品久久久久婷婷大图| 国产日韩欧美综合视频在线| 国产精品国三级国产AV| 午夜热门精品一区二区三区| 亚洲av无码专区在线电影| 嫩草伊人久久精品少妇av小说| 免费试看在线播放欧美精品| 亚洲综合天堂国产精品久久久收费| 五月天久久久丁香婷婷天堂| 久久精品被窝影院午夜无码国产| 在线看人与动人物A级毛片人5| 成人免费无码婬片在线观看免费| 国产 无码 一区二区| 中文字幕亚洲第一精品| 免费观看视频成人国产| 国产精欧美一区二区三区| 国产v亚洲v天堂a无码| 亚洲精品国产美女久久久99| 日韩av日韩无码电影网站| 国产呦在线观看欧美一区| 免费少妇A级毛片| 国产日本亚洲欧美日韩快色| 无码中文字幕亚洲一区二区三区| 99久久精品午夜一区二区| 精品欧洲av无码一区二区免费| 岛国一二三区无码视频| 欧美精品久久久久久久影视| 国产精品久久观看免费| 久久国产精品久久中文| 免费网站永久在线播放| 亚洲精品乱码久久久久久| 精品国产三级天天在线专区| 亚洲日韩偷拍另类无码精品| 欧美日本高清在线不卡区| 每日更新国产精品视频| 日本午夜免费福利视频| 久久久久国内精品国产片| 精品国产免费第一区二区三区日韩| 欧美日韩一区二区三区免费不卡| 精品 日韩 亚洲 欧美 在线| 国产视频一区二区三区四区| 亚洲国产精品无码专区| 精品国产精品欧美一区蜜| 久久久夜日韩精品视频网| 97无码免费人妻视频| 亚洲AV无码成人网站久久精品大| 无码精品人妻一区二区三区涩| 久久九九久久久国产精品小说| 欧美日韩精品不卡在线播放| 久久久久亚洲精品无码网址| 国产亚洲欧美精品久久精品| 中文字幕一区二区三区人妻少妇| 91情侣高清精品国产| 欧美久久久久九九精品| 国产自在现偷99精品国产在热| 亚洲国产99在线精品一区新网站| 18精品久久久无码午夜福利| 精品一区二区三区在线视频| 中文字幕亚洲日韩精品一区无码| 久久综合精品国产二区无码| 精品无码一区二区三区av| 97日韩人妻无码精品专区综合网| 一级毛片免费电影| 亚洲高清在不卡一区二区三区| 国产精品久久久久国产三级无码| 久久精品亚洲综合一品| 丝袜高跟麻麻浓精受孕人妻| 亚洲色综久久久综合桃花网| 国产精品资源在线观看| 久久伊人精品青青草原vr| 99久久综合狠狠综合| 日韩亚洲欧美中文三级| 国产综合AV一区二区三区| 欧美一区二区在线亚洲国产| 亚洲精品无码av人在线播放| 色欲精品国产综合久久久亚洲日韩| 久久综合久久香蕉网欧美| 国产成人无码免费视频97动漫| 一级做a爱片久久蜜桃| 日韩av无码午夜福利电影| 亚洲清纯自偷自拍另类专区| 日韩无码高清诱惑一区二区| 日韩高清在线观看不卡一区二区| 精品国产免费一区二区| 亚洲精品乱码久久久久久自慰| 亚洲日韩激情无码一区久久| 国产系列欧美系列日韩系列在线| 亚洲成在人线天堂网站| 亚洲精选蜜桃av一区二区三区| 91视频国产高清| 亚洲成a人片在线网站| 国产精品三级在线播放| 五月天丁香婷婷亚洲欧洲国产| 亚洲Av无码精品中字| 五月婷婷无码在线综合观看| 久久99久久精品国产只有| 日本熟妇色XXXXX日本免费看| 日韩精品人成在线播放| 91麻豆精品无码人妻系列| 国产碰在79香蕉人人澡人人看喊| 少妇无码av无码专区在线观看| 久久视频这里只精品3国产| 免费国产高清精品一区在线| 久久久久久亚洲综合网站| 婷婷一区国产情侣真实露脸在线| 国产精品丝袜在线观看| 又黄又湿爽到高潮的视频| 久久久亚洲国产精品主播| 99热在线精品免费播放6| 亚洲欧美丝袜亚洲精品图区| 老熟仑乱一区二区视頻| 亚洲成a人片在线观看导航| 一本无码中文字幕免费播| 中文字幕熟妇人妻中文在线视频| 国产午夜无码精品免费看片| 中文字幕不卡免费高清视频| 伊香蕉大综综综合久久| 亚洲国产精品久久久天堂不卡海量| 亚洲av永久无码老湿机男人网| 久久久久无码精品国产电影| 丰满人妻老熟妇伦人精品| 在线不卡一区二区三区日韩| 亚洲国产精品激情在线观看| 亚洲 欧美 日韩 另类 春色| 亚洲日韩成人无码不卡网站| 欧美日韩中文字幕一区二区精品| 欧美日韩国产精品久久久| 中文字幕专区狠狠免费视频| 亚洲一级欧洲一级毛片| 自拍视频在线播放一区二区三区| 黑鬼大战白妞高潮喷白浆| 国产在线一二三四区| 亚洲av色欲永久无码精品| 亚洲欧洲日产国码无码av专区| 久久久久久久综合色一本| 小说乱亚洲另类欧美国产| 色一区二区三区在线视频兔费看| 免费一级伦奷片高潮无码| 国产精品亚洲综合一区在线| 一级一级一级A V片| 亚洲国产香蕉青青草原| 久久96国产精品久久99软件| 韩国精品久久久久久无码| 国产91精品露脸国语对白| 国产精品免费久久久久三级无码| av网站免费观看亚洲无码| 欧美日韩在线亚洲一区蜜芽| 欧美色视频国产一下| 7777精品伊久久久大香线蕉| 国产av无码专区亚洲精品网站| 国产精品ⅴ无码大片在线看| 久久国产免费观看精品| 国产精品欧美精品国产主播| 国产综合亚洲区在线花蝴蝶| 久久精品午夜一区二区福利| 国产碰碰人人a久久香蕉| 久久婷婷一区二区三区国产| 久久亚洲精品制服专区| 国产清纯91天堂在线观看| 欧美日韩国产黄色一级片| 无人在线观看免费高清中国话| 国产欧美日韩精品第二区| 91久久久无码精品亚洲日韩| 午夜一级毛片免费免费看| 亚洲伊人精品中文字幕| 国产女孩精品一区二区三区| 99热国产这里只有精品9| 国产精品偷伦视频免费观看了| 久热最新精品视频在线观看| 国产精品久久久久久亚洲麻豆| 99热6这里只有精品6| 自在自线亚洲а∨天堂在线| 102丨蜜桃丨精品入口| 免费高清一级毛片视频播放在播放| GOGOGO高清视频高清大全| 伊人久久综在合线亚洲2019| 国产精品对白刺激音频| 精品一区二区在线视频观看| 国产福利在线观看一区二区| 亚洲日本中文字幕永久| 日本在线观看视频一区二区| 国产高清不卡码一区二区三区| 国产欧美日韩一区二区搜索| 超碰国产天天做天天爽| 亚洲女精品一区二区三区| 亚洲欧洲国产一区二区综合| 久久人人爽人人片av免费| 一级做a爰片性色毛片免费网站| 中文字幕日韩一一区二区三区| 国产馆精品推荐在线观看| 亚洲一区二区三区爽爽爽| 无码av在线一区二区三区| av无码小缝喷白浆在线观看| 伊人久久亚州色欲综合网站| 成熟亚洲日本毛茸茸| 久久尤物蜜芽国产精品日韩| 99精品久久久久久久综合| 亚洲欧美日韩高清中文在线| 1024手机看片无码人妻| 亚洲国产综合精品久久久久| 日韩欧美亚洲国产成人综合网| 亚洲理伦片精品无码不卡| 一级做a爱片特黄在线观看yy| 亚洲欧美日韩v在线观看不卡| 国产伦精品一区二区三区不卡视频| 久久精品午夜一区二区福利| 訪問色一情一区二区三区四区视频| 538亚洲欧美国产日韩在线精品| 亚洲成无码人在线播放| 亚洲AV影院一区二区三区| 精品久久久久久中文字幕网| 九九热久久这里只有精品| av中文不卡在线观看| 高H肉肉视频在线观看网站| 2o12国内精品久久久久精免费| 久久精品天天中文字幕乱码| 久久久国产一区二区三区丝袜| 亚洲视频东京热无码二区| 日韩 欧美 国产成人| 久久精品欧美日韩精品| 亚精区区一区区二在线观看| 亚洲成AV人手机在线观看网站| 一区二区三区四区在线播放| 久久久无码精品亚洲日韩| 亚洲成a人片在线播放观看国产| 欧美日韩激情视频一区二区| 日本国产欧美大码a视频| 99久久精品午夜一区二区毛片| 永久免费观看黄网视频| 亚洲国产成人久久综合一区77| 精品国自产拍天天青青草原| 中文字幕av无码一区二区三区电影| 久久亚洲高清一区二区三区| 亚洲欧美日韩国产综合网| 全程勾搭正规按摩女在线| 国产真实乱对白精彩久久| 亞洲av無碼亂碼精品國產| 国产艺国产艺校美女第一集| 精品中文字幕一区二区三区四区| 四虎成人精品一区二区免费网站| 亚洲AV综合色区| 中文字幕爆乳无码专区| 国产亚洲日韩欧美十八禁| 亚洲热线 99 精品视频| 一本一本久久e久久精品综合| 久久精品国厂无码二区| 探花国产精品三级在线播放| 综合欧美亚洲日本一区| 久久国产精品久久中文| 97久久人人超碰超碰窝窝| 国产在线观看一区二区三区精品| 亚洲一区A∨无码少妇电影| 国产成人精品永久免费视频| 久久免费看少妇A级精品视频| 精品一区二区三区高潮视频| 日日噜噜夜夜狠狠va视频| 麻豆国产97在线精品一区| 亚洲国产欧美一区二区三区| 亚洲中文字幕日产乱码在线| 不卡无在一区二区三区四区| 午夜精品国产成人福利免费看| 国产v片在线观看| 欧美日韩精品乱国产| 一区二区三区在线视频观看| 亚洲国产精品无码五月综合| 国产成人AV男人的天堂| 欧美黑人XXXⅩ高潮交| 亚洲国产欧美日韩第一精品| 97人妻碰碰碰久久久久禁片| 无码毛片视频一区免费播放| 日韩精品欧美精品亚洲系列|